Swift Study Notes
The source of this file is available on Github where you can find the XCode playground file.
The generated markdown is currently used as a Hugo generated content hosted on my website haozhexu.me for better readability.
This is the playground I used during learning Swift, I mainly read The Swift Programming Language from Apple, took notes and wrote code as I read.
Soon I realised the notes could be organized in a way so that a human readable markdown could be generated with some tweaks, and I can even use Hugo to generate an HTML from it and host it somewhere.
As a result, this markdown was directly generated from the code and comments in the playground.
To make this possible, comments in the code have to follow certain conventions in order to have the right content format for markdown as well as keeping Playground able to compile. The convention looks like:
// This is a comment, will become text content of **markdown**.
// Below will become a fragment of code:
// ```swift
// let name = "Noname"
// ```
Simple way to generate markdown from above code:
sed 's/^\/\/ //g' SwiftBasicNotes.playground/Contents.swift > ~/Documents/SwiftBasicNotes.md
(strips leading double slashes followed by a space from each line)
(PS: the details of how to generate markdown from the source code is written in the markdown itself, embedded as comments in the source code, this recursion feels weird, doesn’t it? It feels like a hungry snake swallows down itself from its own tail.)
“Hello, world!” Printing
The classic “Hello, world!” print out illustrates a few things of the language: no semicolon needed to end a line, how a function/method call looks like, how string literal is represented in Swift which doesn’t need an @ sign as in Objective-C.
print("Science may someday discover what faith has always known.")
Table of Contents
- Constants and Variables
- Types and Operations
- Control Flow
- Functions
- Optionals
- Collection Types
- Closures
- Strings and Characters
- Enumerations
- Classes and Structures
- Protocols
- Generics
- Access Control
- Advanced Operators
- Patterns
- Error Handling
- Encoding and Decoding
- Memory Safety
- Data Structure in Swift
- Sorting and Searching
- Objective-C
Constants and Variables
Something mysterious is formed, born in the silent void. waiting alone and unmoving, it is at once still and yet in constant motion. It is the source of all programs. I do not know its name, so I will call it the Tao of Programming. - The Tao of Programming
Cloudy; variable winds, with local showers; cooler; snow. - Halcyon Jones
let <constant name>: <type> = <expression>
var <variable name>: <type> = <expression>
- Make sure constant or variable has value set before the first time its value is read
- tip: if the value of a variable isn’t modified throughout its lifecycle, or not intended to be modified, define it as a constant instead, this makes sure any unexpected change could be captured by compiler
Historians say the Egyptians revered the number nine because they associated it with their sun god, Atum-Ra. According to one version, Ra gave birth to eight other gods. Since Ra often took the form of a cat, people began associating the nine lives (Ra plus eight) with feline longevity.
let catsMaximumNumberOfLives = 9 // constant
var catsCurrentDeathCount = 0 // variable
catsCurrentDeathCount = 3
catsMaximumNumberOfLives = 10 // this would generate a compiler error
// multiple constants or variables on a single line:
var variable1 = 0.0, variable2 = 1.2, variable3 = 5.6
Types and Operations
Type Annotations
var welcomeMessage: String = "Welcome!"
var red: Double = 1.0
var someNumber: Int = 9
Semicolon (;) isn’t required after each statement although you can; Required for separating statements on the same line:
let sameLineGuru = "Same Liner"; print("This is Mr. \(sameLineGuru)")
string interpolation was used above to include the name of a constant or variable as a placeholder in a longer string, and to prompt Swift to replace it with the current value of that constant or variable.
God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. – Kronecker
// Int is usually used, it's the same size as `Int32` on 32-bit platform and same size as `Int64` on 64-bit platform
let integer: Int
let integer8: Int8 = 8 // signed 8-bit integer, UInt8 for unsigned
let integer16: Int16 = 16 // signed 16-bit integer, UInt16 for unsigned
let integer32: Int32 = 32 // signed 32-bit integer, UInt32 for unsigned
let integer64: Int64 = 64 // signed 64-bit integer, UInt64 for unsigned
Integer Bounds
General rule of the bounds of integers:
- unsigned X-bit integer range from 0 to (2^X)-1 inclusive
- signed X-bit integer range from -(2^(X-1)) to (2^(X-1))-1 inclusive
print("maximum value of UInt16 is \(UInt16.max) which is (2^16)-1 = \(Int(pow(2.0, 16.0) - 1))")
print("minimum value of Int8 is \(Int8.min) which is -(2^(8-1)) = \(-Int(pow(2.0, 8.0 - 1.0)))")
print("maximum value of Int32 is \(Int32.max) which is (2^(32-1))-1 = \(Int(pow(2.0, 32.0 - 1.0)) - 1)")
Floating Points
: a 64-bit floating-point number, usually preferredFloat
: a 32-bit floating-point number
Type Safe and Type Inferences
The biggest regret in life is that one cannot have youth and the feeling of youth at the same time.
- Hemingway
let youth = 3
// inferred to be type `Int`
let feelingOfYouth = 0.14
// inferred to be type `Double`
let pi = 3 + 0.1415926
// Inferred to be type `Double`
let anotherPi = youth + feelingOfYouth
// error: binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'
Type Conversion
let alsoPi = Double(youth) + feelingOfYouth
let werePi = Int(alsoPi) // lost precision
Type Alias
typealias Mood = UInt8
print("mood: happy = \(Mood.max) sad = \(Mood.min)")
Numeric Literals
Apart from decimals, numbers with base 8, 16, or 2 (ie. binary) are sometimes used in programming. Each of these can be written as integer literals.
- decimal number has no prefix, e.g. 10
- binary number with
prefix, e.g.0b101
- octal number with
prefix - hexadecimal number with
Boolean type (Bool
) in Swift is often referred to as logical with values of either true
or false
The following statement is true.
The previous statement is false.
let fake = false
let truth = true
Assignment operator
var b = 10
var a = 5
a = b // a is now equal to 10
let (x, y) = (1, 2) // x is 1 and y is 2
Arithmetic operator
Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes. - Mickey Mouse
1 + 2 // addition (+)
5 - 3 // subtraction (-)
2 * 3 // multiplication (*)
10.0 / 2.5 // division (/)
9 % 4 // remainder (%)
-5 // unary minus
+6 // unary plus
Compound assignemnt operators
a = 1
a += 2
a -= 5
a *= 3
a /= 2
Comparison Operators
1 == 1 // equal to
2 != 1 // not equal to
2 > 1 // greater than
1 < 2 // less than
1 >= 1 // greater than or equal to
2 <= 1 // less than or equal to
You can compare two tuples if they have the same type and the same number of values, tuples are compared from left to right, and you can compare “Apple” with “Orange”
(1, "zebra") < (2, "apple")
// 1 is less than 2 and "zebra" and "apple" are not compared
(3, "apple") < (3, "orange")
// 3 is equal to 3 and "apple" is less than "orange"
(4, "dog") == (4, "dog")
// all equal
let someCoordinates: (Int, Int) = (3, 6)
let someOtherCoordinates = (21, 97)
// type inference without type `(Int, Int)`
// access value by index:
print("some coordinate is (\(someCoordinates.0), \(someCoordinates.1))");
// access value by name:
let someCoordinatesNamed = (x: 71, y: 89)
print("some coordinate has x = \(someCoordinatesNamed.x) and y = \(someCoordinatesNamed.y)")
Range operators
closed range operator:
defines a range from a
to b
inclusive, a
must not be greater than b
half-open range operator:
defines a range from a
up to, but not include b
one-sided range:
a range that continue as far as possible, e.g. array[3...]
from 3 to the end, array[...9]
from beginning up to 9
let someArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
print(someArray[5...]) // [6, 7, 8, 9]
print(someArray[...3]) // [1, 2, 3, 4]
- Unary operators operate on a single target
- unary prefix operators appear immediately before their targets (such as
) - unary postfix operators appear immediately after their targets (such as
- unary prefix operators appear immediately before their targets (such as
- Binary operators operate on two targets
- e.g. 2 + 3
- are infix because they appear between their two targets
- Ternary operators operate on three targets
- only ternary operator:
a ? b : c
- only ternary operator:
Control Flow
Comparison Operators let you compare values and get an answer of either true
or false
if-else statement
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. – John Kenneth Galbraith
if <condition> {
if <condition1> {
} else if <condition2> {
} else {
if <condition> {
} else {
let isOnePlusOneEqualThree = (1 + 1) == 3
false, `==` equality comparison
let isFake = isOnePlusOneEqualThree == false
if isFake == true {
print("The truth is fake.")
Short Circuiting
let isGovernmentGreaterThanItsPeople = "government" > "people"
if isGovernmentGreaterThanItsPeople && 1 + 1 == 2 {
// because the first condition is false
// there's no need to check the second condition even if it's true
print("People should be afraid of their government.")
} else {
print("Government should be afraid of its people.")
// Result: Government should be afraid of its people.
let someoneIsDrunk = true
let divorceAgreementReadyToSign = true
if someoneIsDrunk || divorceAgreementReadyToSign == false {
// even if the divorce agreement is ready to sign
// since the person is drunk, ie. first condition is true
// there's no need to check the second condition
print("Let's decide later.")
Ternary Conditional Operator
let weightOfMountain = 9
let weightOfFeather = 1
let onesLife = 0
let anotherOnesLife = 10
var lifeDescription = onesLife < weightOfFeather ? "lighter than a feather" : "more than a feather"
print("Someone's life is \(lifeDescription).")
// Someone's life is lighter than a feather.
lifeDescription = anotherOnesLife > weightOfMountain ? "heavier than a mountain" : "less than a mountain"
print("Someone's life is \(lifeDescription).")
// Someone's life is heavier than a mountain.
Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless.
Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.
while <CONDITION> {
let weekendStarts = 6
var today = 1
while today < weekendStarts {
print("Day \(today): start the day with a smile, after that you can be your nasty lazy but true self again.")
today += 1
print("Day \(today): finally weekend")
repeat {
} while <CONDITION>
Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said.
var waterInCup = 5
repeat {
if (waterInCup > 0) {
print("Like this cup, you are full of opinions and speculations.\nTo see the light of wisdom, you first must empty your cup before adding more.")
waterInCup -= 1
} while waterInCup > 0
let totalVersions = 5
for currentVersion in 1...totalVersions {
print("Current version: \(currentVersion)")
C++ : Where friends have access to your private members. – Gavin Russell Baker
let versionNumberOfBadLuck = 4
for currentVersion in 1...totalVersions where currentVersion != versionNumberOfBadLuck {
print("Current version: \(currentVersion)")
and Labeld Statements
Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go. – Natalie Goldberg
for currentVersion in 1...totalVersions {
if currentVersion == versionNumberOfBadLuck {
print("We skip version \(currentVersion) to avoid bad luck.")
continue // start next loop and ignore the remaining loop code
print("Current version: \(currentVersion)")
// output:
// Current version: 1
// Current version: 2
// Current version: 3
// We skip version 4 to avoid bad luck.
// Current version: 5
Labeled statement lets you continue or break specific loop, this is useful for multi-layer loops.
Example: dating with different people:
- avoid dating if lover is wife’s friend
- dating with wife instead of lover
let numberOfLovers = 3
let datesPerLover = 2
let wifesFriend = 2
let datingWithWife = 1
lover: for currentLover in 1...numberOfLovers {
date: for currentDate in 1...datesPerLover {
print("lover \(currentLover) date \(currentDate)")
if currentLover == wifesFriend {
print("Do not date if lover is also wife's friend.")
continue lover
} else if currentDate == datingWithWife {
print("Go dating with wife instead.")
continue date
print("Dating with lover.")
// output:
// lover 1 date 1
// Go dating with wife instead.
// lover 1 date 2
// Dating with lover.
// lover 2 date 1
// Do not date if lover is also wife's friend.
// lover 3 date 1
// Go dating with wife instead.
// lover 3 date 2
// Dating with lover.
There’s no kill switch on awesome. – Dilbert (Scott Adams)
determines whichcase
the switched value matches- it works with any data types that can be compared
switch <control expression> {
case <pattern 1>:
case <pattern 2> where <condition>:
case <pattern 3> where <condition>,
<pattern 4> where <condition>:
let occupied = true, unoccupied = false
var gender = "boy" // try changing it to "girl"
var toiletOccupancy = (male: occupied, female: unoccupied) // try changing occupied and unoccupied
switch toiletOccupancy {
case let (male, female) where male != female:
print("At least one toilet is empty")
fallthrough // continue the statements below
case (male: true, _) where gender == "boy":
// male toilet is empty
// and boys do not care about female toilet
print("boy can use toilet now")
case (_, female: true) where gender == "girl":
// female toilet is empty
// and girls do not care about male toilet
print("girl can use toilet now")
case (male: true, female: false) where gender == "girl":
print("girl has to use boy's toilet if urgent")
case (male: false, female: true) where gender == "boy":
print("boy has to use girl's toilet if urgent")
// **exhaustive**: every possible value of the control expression’s type
// must match the value of at least one pattern of a case
// `default case` can be used to satisfy this if it's not feasible.
var schoolYear = 3 // try changing it to something within 1...12
switch schoolYear {
case 1...3:
print("You don't know you don't know.")
case 4...6:
print("You know you don't know.")
case 7...9:
print("You don't know you know.")
case 10...12:
print("You know you know.")
// exhaustive: “every possible value of the control expression’s type
// must match the value of at least one pattern of a case”
// `default case` can be used to satisfy this if it's not feasible.
Character is higher than intellect. Thinking is the function. Living is the functionary. The stream retreats to its source. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as strong to think. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
func <function name>(<parameters>) -> <return type> {
If the function has a return type of Void
(ie. no return value):
func <function name>(<parameters>) {
Forms of a parameter:
<parameter name>: <parameter type>
<argument label> <parameter name>: <parameter type>
_ <parameter name>: <parameter type>
func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return x + y
func sayHi(to person: String) {
print("Hi, \(person)!")
sayHi(to: "future")
func sayHi(_ person: String) {
print("Hi, \(person)!")
Change a parameter directly
Terminology: copy-in copy-out, call by value result
let vampiresAppetite = 0.4
func payTax(for income: inout Double) {
income *= (1.0 - vampiresAppetite)
var income = 100.00
payTax(for: &income)
print("After tax, income becomes \(income)")
// Prints "After tax, income becomes 60.0"
Functions as variables
A function that takes a parameter, and returns another function that uses the parameter.
Example: define a generic function that returns a function mimicing money deduction behaviour with specified deduction rate
func makeMoneyDeductor(with percentage: Double) -> ((Double) -> Double) {
// define and return another function:
func bloodSuckingVampire(bloodQuantity: Double) -> Double {
return bloodQuantity * (1 - percentage)
return bloodSuckingVampire
let taxOffice = makeMoneyDeductor(with: 0.3)
let laywer = makeMoneyDeductor(with: 0.2)
let dentist = makeMoneyDeductor(with: 0.1)
income = 10_000.00
print("Start with income \(income)")
income = taxOffice(income)
income = laywer(income)
income = dentist(income)
print("After tax, laywer and dentist, now it becomes \(income)")
// output:
// Start with income 10000.0
// After tax, laywer and dentist, now it becomes 5040.0
Function that Never Returns
func oneInfiniteLoop() -> Never {
while true {
print("Falling apple on your head.")
Function Overloading
Function overloading is having several functions with the same name but different signatures, after all, the compiler must be able to know which function is invoked, at least one of the difference must exist:
- different number of parameters
- different parameter types
- different external parameter names
- different return types
Function Documentation
Doxygen format is often used to document functions:
/// Returns a substitution of something.
/// - Parameters:
/// - something: a string value of something
/// - Returns: "lie" if something is "truth", a very poor substitute, but the only one discovered to date; returns the same thing otherwise
func substitution(of something: String) -> String {
if something == "truth" {
return "lie"
return something
A variable holding either some value, or nothing.
Money matters, but less than we think and not in the way we think. Family is important. So are friends. Envy is toxic. So is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude. – Eric Weiner
is the name given to the absense of a value.
Accident, n.: a condition in which presence of mind is good, but absence of body is better.
var errorCode: Int?
errorCode = 404
errorCode = nil
unwrap optional
To use the value that optional represents, it first need to be unwrapped.
Optional binding binds the value in an optional into a constant or variable, if the optional doesn’t contain a avalue, the condition for if
is false
let optionalDrink: String? = "Beer"
print("\(String(describing: optionalDrink))")
// output: Optional("Beer")
if let drink = optionalDrink {
print("\(drink)") // Beer
force unwrap
errorCode = 500
print("Error code is \(errorCode!)")
Both reference type and value type can be optional, they both represent the situation when the variable has no value. There’s no such a concept in Objective-C, although a variable of reference type can be assigned nil
, to indicate the variable has no (referenced) value.
Collection Types
[Element] // short form
var someNumbers = [Int]()
someNumbers = [] // type has been provided as `Int`
Array with default value
var threeFloats = Array(repeating: 1.2, count: 3)
result: [1.2, 1.2, 1.2]
Adding two array together
let threePowers = ["Executive", "Legislative", "Judicial"]
let twoPowers = ["Supervision Audit", "Examination"]
let fivePowers = threePowers + twoPowers
Accessing and modifying array
var shoppingList = ["Wine", "Coffee", "Cigarette"]
print("Shopping list has \(shoppingList.count) items")
if shoppingList.isEmpty {
print("Shopping list is empty")
} else {
print("Shopping list isn't empty")
shoppingList += ["Meat", "Tea"]
var firstItem = shoppingList[0]
shoppingList[3] = "Egg"
shoppingList[3...4] = ["Energy Drink"]
shoppingList: ["Wine", "Coffee", "Cigarette", "Energy Drink", "Tea"]
shoppingList.insert("Honey", at: 0)
let honey = shoppingList.remove(at: 0)
Iterating Over an Array
for item in shoppingList {
print("Shopping list item: \(item)")
// iterating with index
for (index, item) in shoppingList.enumerated() {
print("Shopping list item \(index): \(item)")
in Swift combines and replaces NSArray
and NSMutalbeArray
in Objective-C, there are several kinds of arrays.
: a specialized array that always stores its elements in a contiguous region of memory, this is the most efficient implementation.Array<Element>
: store its elements in either a contiguous region of memory or an NSArray instance if its Element type is a class or @objc protocol.ArraySlice<Element>
: a slice of an Array, ContiguousArray, or ArraySlice instance, it represents a view onto the storage of a larger array instead of copying over elements into a new storage.
tip: When value-type is copied, the copied version still points to the same memory location as the original version, only when copied version is modified, a new memory region is allocated for the copied version. This means that memory footprint of copied value type only increases when copied value changes, this ensures maximum efficiency of memory usage.
Hash Value for Set Types
can only contain hashable values
if a == b
, then a.hashValue == b.hashValue
Creating Sets
var letters = Set<Character>()
letters = []
var someColors: Set<String> = ["Blue", "White", "Red"]
var someOtherColors: Set = ["Sunset", "Autumn", "Zen"]
print("Other colors have \(someOtherColors.count) colors")
Check Empty
if someOtherColors.isEmpty {
print("No color, is the real color.")
} else {
print("There are a few colors in it.")
Insert and Remove
if let removedColor = someColors.remove("Yellow") {
print("\(removedColor) removed from someColors")
} else {
print("someColors does not have Yellow in it")
Union and Intersection
let openDays: Set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let closedDays: Set = [6, 7]
Example: given an array of numbers and a target value, determine whether the array has two numbers whose sum equals to the target value
func twoSum(numbers: [Int], _ target: Int) -> Bool {
var set = Set<Int>()
for number in numbers {
if set.contains(target - number) {
return true
return false
func twoSumIndices(numbers: [Int], _ target: Int) -> (Int, Int)? {
var dict = [Int: Int]()
for (index, number) in numbers.enumerated() {
if let lastIndex = dict[target - number] {
return (lastIndex, index)
} else {
dict[number] = index
return nil
Many collection types as well as other types (e.g. String
) are reference type in Objective-C but value type in Swift, the reasons are:
- value type can make memory usage more efficient, value types are stored on stack whereas reference types are stored on heap. Copy-on-write makes sure minimum memory overhead
- value type defined as
are immutable, which increases thread-safety
Creating a Dictionary
Dictionary in Swift can be created using dictionary literal, which is a list of key-value pairs separated by commas, inside square brackets.
// creating empty dictionary:
var meaningsOfAges = [String: String]()
meaningsOfAges["eighteen"] = "By which the acquired collection of prejudices become common sense"
// creating with dictionary literal:
var meaningOfWords = ["agreement": "when people are tired of thinking"]
// `String` type inferred for `var meaningOfWords: [String: String]`
Dictionary operations
if meaningsOfAges.isEmpty == false {
print("At least one age has some meaning")
meaningsOfAges["four"] = "at which we know all the questions"
meaningsOfAges["eighteen"] = "at which we know all the answers"
if let meaningOf18 = meaningsOfAges["eighteen"] {
print("The meaning of age 18:\n\(meaningOf18)")
// output:
// Meaning of eighteen: at which we know all the answers
Iterating Over a Dictionary
for (age, meaning) in meaningsOfAges {
print("Meaning of \(age): \(meaning)")
// output:
// Meaning of four: at which we know all the questions
// Meaning of eighteen: at which we know all the answers
Function without name:
{ (<parameters>) -> <return type> in
I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs. – H. L. Mencken
For a long time the question exists that whether egg came first or chicken came first, we can figure it out using closure:
let matters = ["🥚", "🐓"]
let sortedMatters = matters.sorted(by: { (m1: String, m2: String) -> Bool in
m1 < m2
print("first there's \(String(describing: sortedMatters.first!))")
print("then there comes \(String(describing: sortedMatters.last!))")
Inferring type from context
without parameter type:
matters.sorted { (m1, m2) -> Bool in
m1 > m2
without return type:
matters.sorted { (m1, m2) in m1 > m2 }
shorthand argument names:
matters.sorted { $0 > $1 }
operator methods:
matters.sorted(by: >)
As a result, chicken and egg must exist at the same time for the comparison to work!
- a closure can capture constants and variables from the surrounding context in which it is defined.
- closures are reference types
Escaping closures
A closure is said to escape a function when the closure is passed as an argument to the function, but is called after the function returns.
var executionGround: [() -> Void] = []
func executionSuspended(prisonerExecution: @escaping () -> Void) {
func executionImmediate(prisonerExecution: () -> Void) {
prisonerExecution() // execute immediately
executionSuspended {
print("Summer is here, will autumn be far away?")
executionImmediate {
print("Don't laugh if I lay drunken on the battleground, how many warriors ever came back safe and sound?")
// only this is executed
var toBeInDinnerPlate = ["Chicken", "Duck", "Fish", "Pork"]
print(toBeInDinnerPlate.count) // Prints "4"
let dinnerProvider = { toBeInDinnerPlate.remove(at: 0) }
print(toBeInDinnerPlate.count) // Prints "4"
print("Now serving \(dinnerProvider())!")
// Prints "Now serving Chicken!"
print(toBeInDinnerPlate.count) // Prints "3"
// parameter: () -> String
// argument is auto converted to a closure
func serve(dinner provider: @autoclosure () -> String) {
print("Now serving \(provider())!")
// now can pass a String
serve(dinner: "Vegetable")
// "Vegetable" will be converted to a closure that returns this string
// which is only evaluated when being called
Example of autoclosure: implement OR (||) operation.
Flawed version:
func ||(left: Bool, right: Bool) -> Bool {
if left {
return true
} else {
return right
The problem with above implementation is that both left
and right
sides are evaluated when left
is true
, so there’s a better implementation using autoclosure:
func ||(left: Bool, right: @autoclosure () -> Bool) -> Bool {
if left {
return true
} else {
return right()
Higher Order Functions
Closures in Swift enable higher order functions, which are functions that can either accept functions or closures as arguments, and/or return a function/closure.
Swift has built-in support for things that are common in functional programming, such like map
, reduce
, filter
and compactMap
, which allows developer to focus only on results without having to write boiler-plate code. In this regard, Swift is both object-oriented and functional programming language.
In this regard, Swift is both object-oriented and functional programming language.
Example: due to the support of functional closures, many problems can be solved funtionally. For example, get all numbers between 0 to 100 that are 1. even and 2. squares of other numbers
(0...10).map { $0 * $0 }.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
Functional composition in mathematical term is to combine multiple functions into one function, the idea behind functional composition in Swift is applying one function to the result of another function.
func unique(_ array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
return array.reduce(into: []) { (result, number) in
if result.contains(number) == false {
func even(_ array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
return array.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
func square(_ array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
return array.map { $0 * $0 }
precedencegroup Group { associativity: left }
infix operator >>> : Group
func >>><T, U, V>(left: @escaping (T) -> U, right: @escaping (U) -> V) -> ((T) -> V) {
return { right(left($0)) }
let testIntArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
var resultArray = (unique >>> even >>> square)(testIntArray)
print("result: \(resultArray)")
Map can be used to loop over a collection and apply the same operation to each element in the collection.
let numberOfMonks = [1, 2, 3]
let hasWaterToDrink: [(Int, Bool)] = numberOfMonks.map { monks in
return (monks, monks < 3)
hasWaterToDrink.forEach { (numberOfMonks, hasWater) in
print("\(numberOfMonks) monks, water to drink? \(hasWater ? "YES" : "NO")")
// output:
// 1 monks, water to drink? YES
// 2 monks, water to drink? YES
// 3 monks, water to drink? NO
compactMap / flatMap
is the same as map
but also handles optionals.
let couldBeNumbers = ["1", "3", "five", "12"]
let compactedNumbers = couldBeNumbers.compactMap { Int($0) }
// result: [1, 3, 12]
let mappedNumbers = couldBeNumbers.map { Int($0) }
// result: [Optional(1), Optional(3), nil, Optional(12)]
is to receive a single-level collection when each element is a sequence or collection:
let bloodTemperatureByGroup = ["A": [0, 36, 48], "B": [12, 32, 39]]
let temperaturesMapped = bloodTemperatureByGroup.map { $0.value }
// output: [[12, 32, 39], [0, 36, 48]]
let temperaturesFlatened = bloodTemperatureByGroup.flatMap { $0.value }
// output: [12, 32, 39, 0, 36, 48]
General rule: use compactMap
for mapping a sequence and mapped result could be an optional value; If not, use either map or flatMap depending on the form of result expected.
Strings and Characters
- string literals can be single or multi line
- backslash () can be used to make the string easier to read but won’t have line break in the final string
- blank line as the first and/or last line in multiline string as line feed
- indentation is only considered after the indentation of triple quotation marks
- special characters are espaced with backslash
- unicode can be written with \u{
} - strings are value types
let quotationSingleLine = "There be light."
let quotationMultiLine = """
And God said, \
Let there be light:
and there was light.
final string:
And God said, Let there be light:
and there was light.
Create emtpy string
var emptyString = ""
var anotherEmptyString = String()
if emptyString.isEmpty {
print("Unfortunately the emptiness of a string can't be derived from its name.")
You can do this:
emptyString += "no longer empty"
Strings are sequence of characters
for character in "Dog🐶Inside!" {
let nethackCharacters: [Character] = ["T", "h", "e", " ", "n", "e", "w", "t", " ", "b", "i", "t", "e", "s"]
var nethackString = String(nethackCharacters)
// Prints "The newt bites"
nethackString += "!"
Unicode is an international standard for encoding text in different languages, it covers much more than the original ASCII character set, however the underlying representation are still integers. Integers within certain ranges (U+0000 to U+D7FF inclusive, U+E000 to U+10FFFF inclusive) are called Unicode Scalars.
Extended grapheme clusters
Every instance of Swift’s Character type represents a single extended grapheme cluster. An extended grapheme cluster is a sequence of one or more Unicode scalars that (when combined) produce a single human-readable character.
let eAcute: Character = "\u{E9}"
// é
let combinedEAcute: Character = "\u{65}\u{301}"
// e followed by ́ (the thing above e)
Accessing and Modifying a String
Because a character in Unicode may consist of more than one number, anything related to indices, inculding counting the number of characters in a string, becomes tricky. A swift string can’t be indexed by integer values, the type of index is String.Index
var word = "cafe"
word.count // 4
word += "\u{301}"
word.count // word is now "café" but count is still 4
print(science[science.startIndex]) // A
print(science[science.index(before: science.endIndex)]) // Z
print(science[science.index(after: science.startIndex)]) // B
let index7 = science.index(science.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)
print(science[index7]) // H
var indexS: String.Index? = science.firstIndex(of: "S")
var indexO: String.Index? = science.firstIndex(of: "O")
var indexU: String.Index? = science.firstIndex(of: "U")
var indexL: String.Index? = science.firstIndex(of: "L")
if (indexS == nil && indexO == nil && indexU == nil && indexL == nil) {
print("science has no SOUL")
var sentence = "you understand"
sentence.insert(contentsOf: "could ", at: sentence.startIndex)
sentence.insert(contentsOf: "?", at: sentence.endIndex)
// Print: "could you understand?"
let range1 = sentence.range(of: "oul")!
sentence.replaceSubrange(range1, with: "ulo")
let range2 = sentence.range(of: "nderstan")!
sentence.replaceSubrange(range2, with: "redntsna")
// Prints: "culod you uredntsnad?"
let englishForDummy = "therapist"
let indexOfR = englishForDummy.firstIndex(of: "r")!
let firstWord = englishForDummy[..<indexOfR]
let lastWord = englishForDummy[indexOfR...]
print("Have you ever realised the word \"\(englishForDummy)\" is made up by \"\(String(firstWord))\" and \"\(String(lastWord))\"?")
// output:
// Have you ever realised the word "therapist" is made up by "the" and "rapist"?
Exercise: given a string, return another string which is a reverse of given string by words,
e.g. what the f**k
becomes f**k the what
func reverse<T>(_ things: inout [T], _ start: Int, _ end: Int) {
var startIndex = start, endIndex = end
while startIndex < endIndex {
(things[startIndex], things[endIndex]) = (things[endIndex], things[startIndex])
startIndex += 1
endIndex -= 1
func reverseWords(_ s: String?) -> String? {
guard let s = s else {
return nil
var mutableString = Array(s), start = 0
reverse(&mutableString, 0, mutableString.count - 1)
for i in 0..<mutableString.count {
if i == mutableString.count - 1 || mutableString[i + 1] == " " {
reverse(&mutableString, start, i)
start = i + 2
return String(mutableString)
reverseWords("what the f**k")
// output:
// f**k the what
Note: a simpler way to solve above problem is to use components(separatedBy:)
and joined(separator:)
Raw strings
To avoid special characters or string interpolation, use raw string.
There is a tendency to mistake data for wisdom, just as there has always been a tendency to confuse logic with values, intelligence with insight. Unobstructed access to facts can produce unlimited good only if it is matched by the desire and ability to find out what they mean and where they lead. Facts are terrible things if left sprawling and unattended. They are too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic. – Norman Cousins
let raw1 = #"Eating "raw" fish will not \(interpolate) the string including slash \"#
let raw2 = ##"Use # in raw string is also possible as long as the open and close hashes match!"##
let raw3 = #"You can also use raw in raw: \#(raw1)"#
the average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser-in case you thought optimism was dead. – Robert Brault
Some history regarding switch-case - in case you need to show off your knowledge to friends: // In his 1952 text Introduction to Metamathematics, Stephen Kleene formally proved that the CASE function (the IF-THEN-ELSE function being its simplest form) is a primitive recursive function. //
enum <enumeration name> {
<enumeration definitions>
each case can be a single line:
enum PlanetVertical {
case mercury
case venus
case earth
case mars
case jupiter
case saturn
case uranus
case neptune
or multiple cases can appear on a single line:
enum PlanetHorizontal {
case mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
enumeration type can be inferred
enum Direction {
case north
case west
case south
case east
var lostDirection: Direction = .north
var nextDirection = Direction.east
lostDirection = .north
nextDirection = .west
Switch matching
switch lostDirection {
case .north, .west, .south:
print("Lost in the wild")
case .east:
print("You need a pilot")
Remember switch
must be exhaustive
switch nextDirection {
case .east:
print("Be prepared.")
print("Why not heading east?")
Associated Values
Define an enumeration for daily attendence, if unattended, give and execuse as well as a real reason, define three functions, evaluate the execuse and reason for unattendence, from perspectives of teacher, manager and self
enum DailyAttendence {
case attended
case unattended(execuse: String, realReason: String)
func teacherEvaluate(_ attendence: DailyAttendence) {
switch attendence {
case .attended:
print("Keep up")
case .unattended(_, let realReason):
// teacher know your execuse and only care about real reason
print("I need to talk to your parents regarding \(realReason)")
func managerEvaluate(_ attendence: DailyAttendence) {
switch attendence {
case .attended:
print("Keep up")
case .unattended(let execuse, _):
print("I'm fine with \(execuse)")
func selfEvaluate(_ attendence: DailyAttendence) {
switch attendence {
case .attended:
print("A boring day")
case let .unattended(execuse, realReason):
print("I have \"\(execuse)\" as execuse for the real reason of \"\(realReason)\"")
let jackyAttendence: DailyAttendence = DailyAttendence.unattended(execuse: "alarm clock stopped working", realReason: "late sleep watching TV")
// I need to talk to your parents regarding late sleep watching TV
let goodsonAttendence: DailyAttendence = DailyAttendence.attended
// keep up
let mrUnsatisiable: DailyAttendence = DailyAttendence.unattended(execuse: "sick", realReason: "job interview")
// I'm fine with sick
// I have "sick" as execuse for the real reason of "job interview"
Raw Values
enum Month : Int {
case january = 1
case feburary // 2
case march // 3
case april // 4
case may // 5
case june // 6
case july // 7
case august // 8
case september // 9
case october // 10
case november // 11
case december // 12
print("September has a value of \(Month.september.rawValue)")
// Print "September has a value of 9"
enum SomeNames : String {
case michael
case tom
case jack
print("case tom has raw value of \(SomeNames.tom.rawValue)")
// Print "case tom has raw value of tom"
Initializing from raw value
var monthNumber = 7
if let month = Month(rawValue: monthNumber) {
switch month {
case .july:
print("Month of examination, graduation and boy/girl-friend breaking up.")
print("Some other month")
} else {
print("Cannot recognize month number")
Recursive enumerations
A recursive enumeration is an enumeration that has another instance of the enumeration as the associated value for one or more of the enumeration cases
enum Trap {
case rightWayOut
indirect case wayOut(Trap)
let eternity = Trap.wayOut(Trap.rightWayOut)
let love = Trap.wayOut(eternity)
func escape(from trap: Trap) {
switch trap {
case .rightWayOut:
print("Found the right way out")
case .wayOut(let anotherTrap):
print("Fall into another trap")
escape(from: anotherTrap)
escape(from: love)
// Fall into another trap
// Fall into another trap
// Found the right way out
Different Uses of Enum
- enum can have methods inside it, the methods are for each case (so if a method performs case-dependent action, it need to consider all cases)
- enum can be a good way of representing hierarchy, structure and even certain kinds of flow
Example: an enum
representing seasons with method that evolves to next season
enum Season: String, CustomStringConvertible {
case spring
case summer
case autumn
case winter
mutating func next() {
switch self {
case .spring:
self = .summer
case .summer:
self = .autumn
case .autumn:
self = .winter
case .winter:
self = .spring
var description: String {
return "It's \(self.rawValue) now."
var currentSeason = Season.spring
// output:
// It's spring now.
// It's autumn now.
Example: an ’enum’ representing stages of love and with ability to evolve
enum StageOfLove: String {
case acquaint
case inLove
case marriage
case accustomed
case bored
case stranger
case separate
case lost
extension StageOfLove {
func next() -> StageOfLove {
guard self != .lost else {
preconditionFailure("love ends here!")
switch self {
case .acquaint:
return .inLove
case .inLove:
return .marriage
case .marriage:
return .accustomed
case .accustomed:
return .bored
case .bored:
return .stranger
case .stranger:
return .separate
case .separate:
return .lost
extension StageOfLove: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .acquaint, .inLove, .marriage, .accustomed:
return "You are the one"
case .bored, .stranger, .separate:
return "Memory fades as time goes by, we got seperated as we were pacing."
case .lost:
return "The moment I turned round, I found that you were not there. Suddenly, I was flustered."
var currentStage = StageOfLove.acquaint
var nextStage = currentStage.next()
print("\(currentStage.rawValue) becomes \(nextStage.rawValue)")
currentStage = nextStage
nextStage = currentStage.next()
print("\(currentStage.rawValue) becomes \(nextStage.rawValue)")
currentStage = nextStage
nextStage = currentStage.next()
print("\(currentStage.rawValue) becomes \(nextStage.rawValue)")
currentStage = nextStage
nextStage = currentStage.next()
print("\(currentStage.rawValue) becomes \(nextStage.rawValue)")
currentStage = nextStage
nextStage = currentStage.next()
print("\(currentStage.rawValue) becomes \(nextStage.rawValue)")
currentStage = nextStage
nextStage = currentStage.next()
print("\(currentStage.rawValue) becomes \(nextStage.rawValue)")
currentStage = nextStage
nextStage = currentStage.next()
// output:
// acquaint becomes inLove
// inLove becomes marriage
// marriage becomes accustomed
// accustomed becomes bored
// bored becomes stranger
// stranger becomes separate
// Memory fades as time goes by, we got seperated as we were pacing.
// The moment I turned round, I found that you were not there. Suddenly, I was flustered.
Enum with Generic parameters
Enum can be defined with generic parameters for associated values.
Example: define an enum
representing success and error response with generic response and error type
enum Response<SuccessType, ErrorType> {
case success(SuccessType)
case failure(ErrorType)
let response1 = Response<String, Int>.success("valid response")
let response2 = Response<String, Int>.failure(404)
func print(response: Response<String, Int>) {
switch response {
case .success(let message):
print("success message: \(message)")
case .failure(let errorCode):
print("error code: \(errorCode)")
Classes and Structures
Declare a class:
class Love { // class name
// <statements>
// }
Class/Type constant:
// by default, love cannot persist
static let defaultPersistency = false
Stored properties
var name: String?
let thorny = true // constant
// inferred boolean variable
var isPersistent = defaultPersistency
var looksPretty: Bool // variable
Computed property:
// computed property must be variable
var tastesGood: Bool {
return !looksPretty
Lazy property:
lazy var complexity: Int = { [unowned self] in
if let name = self.name {
return name.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8)
} else {
return 0
// non-optional properties must be initialized before use
init(looksPretty: Bool, name: String? = nil) {
self.looksPretty = looksPretty
self.name = name
Instance method
func printDescription() {
Love.printNotes(about: self)
Class/Type method:
// `final` indicates cannot be overwritten
final func displayName() -> String {
return self.name ?? self.defaultName()
func defaultName() -> String {
return "love"
// called when no reference to the instance, ie. reference counter reaches 0
deinit {
print("\(self.displayName()) disappeared in a puff of logic")
static func printNotes(about love: Love) {
let displayName = love.displayName()
print("Notes about \(love.defaultName()):")
if let name = love.name {
print("\(love.defaultName()) has a name of \"\(name)\"")
} else {
print("\(love.defaultName()) has noname")
if love.thorny {
print("\(displayName) is thorny")
if love.isPersistent {
print("\(displayName) lasts forever")
} else {
print("\(displayName) \(Love.defaultPersistency ? "lasts forever" : "doesn't last long") by default")
let look = love.looksPretty ? "looks pretty" : "looks ugly"
let taste = love.tastesGood ? "tastes good" : "tastes bad"
if love.looksPretty == love.tastesGood {
print("\(displayName) \(look) and \(taste)")
} else {
print("\(displayName) \(look) but \(taste)")
Property Observer
var notes: String? {
willSet {
if let newNotes = newValue {
print("Notes will be \(newNotes)")
didSet {
if let notes = self.notes, let oldNotes = oldValue {
print("Notes has been set to \(notes) from \(oldNotes)")
Tip: setting a property in init
, willSet
and didSet
won’t trigger property observer.
make some loves:
let someLove = Love(looksPretty: false)
let someHate = Love(looksPretty: true, name: "Hate")
someHate.isPersistent = true
Notes about love:
love has noname
love is thorny
love doesn't last long by default
love looks ugly but tastes good
Notes about love:
love has a name of "Hate"
Hate is thorny
Hate lasts forever
Hate looks pretty but tastes bad
static vs class function:
Both static
and class
can associate method of class, subclass can overrie class
methods but not static
struct Address {
// type constant
static let format = "British"
var nickName: String
var streetNumber: String
var streetName: String
var suburb: String
var state: String
var postcode: String
var country: String
var fullAddress: String {
return "\(streetNumber) \(streetName), \(suburb), \(state) \(postcode), \(country)"
mutating func updateNickName(_ nickName: String) {
self.nickName = nickName
tip: mutating
prefix is need for struct
and enum
to modify its own value.
print("Using \(Address.format) format")
// default struct-wise initializer
let address = Address(nickName: "Beehive", streetNumber: "123", streetName: "Straight Street", suburb: "Curveless", state: "XYZ", postcode: "1234", country: "Unobtainable")
// output:
// Using British format
// 123 Straight Street, Curveless, XYZ 1234, Unobtainable
// hate is a kind of love
class Hate: Love {
init() {
super.init(looksPretty: false, name: "exclusive love")
self.isPersistent = true
// `override` keyword used here
override func defaultName() -> String {
return "hate"
let moreHate = Hate()
Notes about hate:
hate has a name of "exclusive love"
exclusive love is thorny
exclusive love lasts forever
exclusive love looks ugly but tastes good
and convenience
initializer makes sure subclass still implements the initializerrequired init(name: String)
initializer is forced to call a non-convenience initializer directly or indirectlyconvenience init()
- non-convenience initializer is called designated initializer
- a designated initializer must call a designated initializer from its immediate superclass.
- a convenience initializer must call another initializer from the same class.
- a convenience initializer must ultimately call a designated initializer.
Identify operators
Check whether two constants or variables refer to the same single instance:
- Identical to (===)
- Not identical to (!==)
let fakeLove = someLove
print("someLove is fakeLove? \(someLove === fakeLove)")
var shortTermLove: Love? = Love(looksPretty: true)
shortTermLove = nil
// output:
// love disappears in a puff of logic
class vs struct
Tip: there are several differences between class
and struct
- reference type, object with identity, e.g.
- slower on heap
- updated with logic
- internals can remain mutable even when declared with
- can be inherited
- type conversion can check the type of instance at runtime
- can use
- same instance can be referenced more than once
- value type, object without identity, e.g.
, copy on assignment - faster on stack
- simple data store, safer for multi-threading
- immutable when declared with
Define a protocol
protocol Rescuable {
// method:
func rescue()
// property:
var distanceToGod: UInt { get set }
var hasBeenSaved: Bool { get }
// initializer
init?(initialDistanceToGod: UInt)
Implementing a protocol
class Person: Rescuable {
var distanceToGod: UInt
// satisfied by a `required` initializer in non-final class
required init?(initialDistanceToGod: UInt) {
if initialDistanceToGod == 0 {
print("Already rescued, not a human anymore")
return nil
self.distanceToGod = initialDistanceToGod
func rescue() {
if distanceToGod > 0 {
distanceToGod -= 1
var hasBeenSaved: Bool {
return distanceToGod == 0
Swift doesn’t care how you implement a protocol, as long as you implemnet it.
Choices for implementing a get
property in protocol:
- a constant stored property
- a variable stored property
- a read-only computed property
- a read-write computed property
Implementing multiple protocols
We define an Evil
protocol Evil {
func fulfilDesire()
Adopt protocol using extension
Make Person
also implements Evil
extension Person: Evil {
func fulfilDesire() {
self.distanceToGod += 1
func commentary(of thing: Rescuable & Evil) {
print("Something that is evil but rescuable")
if thing.hasBeenSaved {
print("God saved you")
} else {
print("distance to God: \(thing.distanceToGod)")
print("desire makes the distance to God becomes \(thing.distanceToGod)")
print("after rescue, distance to God becomes \(thing.distanceToGod)")
let person = Person(initialDistanceToGod: 20)!
commentary(of: person)
let distance = person.distanceToGod
for _ in 1...distance {
commentary(of: person)
// output: "God saved you"
Tip: in Swift, by default all the functions in protocol are required, unlike in Objective-C where @optional
and @required
can be used to annotate methods in a protocol.
There are two workarounds:
- prefix protocol and optional function with
, so function can be made@optional
- provide a default implementation of protocol function via extension
Class Only Protocol
Define a class only protocol:
protocol ClassOnlyProtocol: AnyObject {
func someMethodHere()
So that ClassOnlyProtocol
can be implemented by only class, which is reference type, other than value types like struct
. One of the reason for needing this is for having delegate which is usually weak, thus value type cannot be used.
Prior to Swift 4, class
is used in place of AnyObject
, now it’s made more clear: they represent an existential for classes.
It is generally agreed that “Hello” is an appropriate greeting because if you entered a room and said “Goodbye,” it could confuse a lot of people. – Dolph Sharp, “I’m O.K., You’re Not So Hot”
Generic Function
Suppose you want to create a function that swaps the values of its parameters, and the function has to work for different types. Instead of having one function per data type, you can have one single function with generic type. It is like a super-type of different types.
func swapValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
let temporaryA = a
a = b
b = temporaryA
var humanWorld = ""
var hell = "full of evil"
swapValues(&humanWorld, &hell)
// `hell` is now empty, `humanWorld` is now "full of evil"
Generic Types
Suppose we want to describe the universe with matters.
struct Universe<Matter> {
var matters = [Matter]()
mutating func create(_ matter: Matter) {
mutating func reject() -> Matter {
return matters.removeLast()
is a generic type - there’s no need to hard code any real type (concrete or protocol) in the Universe
definition; When we create a Universe
instance, we need to specify a type that replaces Matter
struct Planet {
let name: String
var solarSystem = Universe<Planet>()
solarSystem.create(Planet(name: "Mercury"))
solarSystem.create(Planet(name: "Pluto"))
solarSystem.create(Planet(name: "Venus"))
print("Last planet being rejected by solar system: \(solarSystem.reject())")
// output:
// Last planet being rejected by solar system: Planet(name: "Venus")
Type Constraints
func fight<G: GoodProtocol, E: EvilProtocol>(somethingGood: G, somethingEvil: E)
The <G: GoodProtocol, E: EvilProtocol>
syntax adds a type constraint to the placeholder. It defines that G
and E
needs to conform to the protocol GoodProtocol
and EvilProtocol
, respectively.
You cannot call fight(somethingGood:somethingEvil:)
with two parameters that do not comform to something that respectively implement GoodProtocol
and EvilProtocol
Question: why the following doesn’t work?
func fight(somethingGood: GoodProtocol, somethingEvil: EvilProtocol)
Because the compiler must be able to figure out at compile time what types are used, if either GoodProtocol
or EvilProtocol
has associatedtype
or defined in a way that certain constraints it declares must be satisfied, using the protocol directly won’t compile.
For example, the code below would not work:
func exists(object: Equatable, in array: [Equatable]) -> Bool {
return array.contains(object)
while this does:
func exists<T: Equatable>(object: T, in array: [T]) -> Bool {
return array.contains(object)
Associated Types
Sometimes it can be useful to specify associatedtype
in protocol
, they behave like placeholder.
Imagine we have a very generic Generator
which generates output of OutputType
, from input of InputType
protocol Generator {
associatedtype InputType
associatedtype OutputType
func generate(input: InputType) -> OutputType
And we also define Transformable
protocol Transformable {
associatedtype TransformType
func transform() -> TransformType
Associated Types with Constraints
Define a ChainedGenerator
which has has InputProvider
and OutputConsumer
of type Generator
, that generates input and consumes output
protocol ChainedGenerator: Generator {
associatedtype InputProvider: Generator where InputProvider.OutputType == InputType
associatedtype OutputConsumer: Generator where OutputConsumer.InputType == OutputType
func generate(input: InputProvider, consumer: OutputConsumer) -> OutputConsumer.OutputType
Conforming to the Generator
protocol, we want to describe the photosynthesis of green plants that absorbs carbon dioxide and generates oxygen.
There are some micro-organisms that exhibit characteristics of both plants and animals. When exposed to light they undergo photosynthesis; and when the lights go out, they turn into animals. But then again, don’t we all?
protocol Photosynthate {
// photosynthate: n. the product of photosynthesis
func emit()
Now we can define the generator:
class Photosynthesizer<T: Transformable, P: Photosynthate>: Generator where T.TransformType == P {
func generate(input: T) -> P {
return input.transform()
struct CO2<P: Photosynthate>: Transformable {
func transform() -> P {
print("transforming CO2…")
return P()
struct Oxygen: Photosynthate {
init() {}
func emit() {
print("emitting oxygen…")
Now we can have our green plant:
// Define a green plant that is a `Photosynthesizer` (thus a `Generator`), its input is CO2 (a `Transformable`) that can transform to `Oxygen`
let greenPlant = Photosynthesizer<CO2<Oxygen>, Oxygen>()
greenPlant.generate(input: CO2<Oxygen>()).emit()
// print:
// transforming CO2…
// emitting oxygen…
We can abstract the idea of Photosynthesizer
and create a DefaultGenerator
that semantically works for any Transformable
requires the Transformable
’s TransformType
conforms to Photosynthate
class DefaultGenerator<T: Transformable, O>: Generator where O == T.TransformType {
func generate(input: T) -> O {
return input.transform()
It could be further simplified:
class TransformBasedGenerator<T: Transformable>: Generator {
func generate(input: T) -> T.TransformType {
return input.transform()
the world we live in / is like a junkyard / people are like bugs / fighting against each other for food / all we eat is conscience / all we shit is opinions “Junkyard” - He Yong
struct Conscience: Transformable {
func transform() -> String {
return "transforming conscience into opinions"
let junkyard = TransformBasedGenerator<Conscience>()
print(junkyard.generate(input: Conscience()))
// print: transforming conscience into opinions
Generics with where clause
func compareTransform<T1: Transformable, T2: Transformable>(_ transformable1: T1, _ transformable2: T2) -> Bool where T1.TransformType == T2.TransformType, T1.TransformType: Equatable {
let transformed1 = transformable1.transform()
let transformed2 = transformable2.transform()
return transformed1 == transformed2
Extension with generics
Create an extension of Array
for Statement
to check whether a true statement exists.
struct Statement: CustomStringConvertible {
let sentence: String
let isTruth: Bool
var description: String {
return "This is a \(isTruth ? "true" : "false") statement."
let statement1 = Statement(sentence: "The following statement is true", isTruth: true)
let statement2 = Statement(sentence: "The previous statement is false", isTruth: false)
let statements = [statement1, statement2]
extension Array where Element == Statement {
var hasTrueStatement: Bool {
return self.contains(where: { $0.isTruth })
print("Has true statement? \(statements.hasTrueStatement ? "Y" : "N")")
Generics subscript
extension Array where Element == Statement {
subscript<Indices: Sequence>(indices: Indices) -> [Element]
where Indices.Iterator.Element == Int {
var result = [Element]()
for index in indices {
return result
let partialStatements = statements[[1, 0]]
Access Control
A module is a single unit of code distribution, can be imported by another module using import
public class PublicPool {}
internal class InternalChangeRoom {}
fileprivate class MaleFilePrivateBath {}
private class PrivateLocker {}
public var publicFeedback = "Good"
internal let internalComments = "Not great"
fileprivate func someFilePrivateFunction() {}
private func privateFunctionRoom() {}
Access control levels
entities can be used within any source file from their defining module, and also in source files from other modules that imports the defining module. Usually used for framework public interface.internal
entities can be used within any source file from defining module but not in any file outside.file-private
entities can only be used by its own defining source file.private
entities can be used only by the enclosing declaration and extensions of the declaration in the same file- default access level is
vs public
classes and members can be subclassed / overridden only within its defining module.open
classes and members can be subclassed / overridden within its defining module as well as importing module.
No entities can be defined in terms of another entity that has more restrictive access level
an open
property defined in a private
class, or a public
function with private
type parameters is like saying you can get a gift without buying our product and details are written on a note inside our product package.
Unit tests targets
A unit test target can access any internal entity, if you mark the import declaration for a product module with the @testable
attribute and compile that produce module with testing enabled.
Custom types
The access control level of a type also affects the default access level of the type’s members
- private or file private type -> private or type private members
- internal or public type -> internal members
- public type defaults to have internal members, to ensure public-facing API for a type doesn’t expose internal workings by mistake
Other types
You can skip to the end of the below list for simple way to remember.
- the access level for a tuple type is the most restrictive access level of all types used in the tuple
- the access level for a function type is the most restrictive access level of the function’s parameter types and return type, access level must be specified as part of function definition if its calculated access level doesn’t match its contextual default
- individual cases of an enumeration has same access level as the enumeration
- types used for any raw values or associated values in enumeration must have access level at least as high as the enumeration
- nested types has the same kind of access level rule as custom types -> members, actually nested types are also a kind of member of enclosing type
- a subclass can’t have higher access level than its superclass, however, an override can make an inherited class member more accessible than its superclass version
- a constant, variable or property can’t be more public than its type
- getters and setters for constants, variables, properties, and subscripts have the same access level as the constants, variables or properties
- you can give a setter a lower access level than its corresponding getter:
before thevar
introducer - custom initializers can be assigned an access level less or equal to the type that they initialize
- a required initializer must have the same access level as the class it belongs to
- default initializer has the same access level as the type it initializes, unless for
type the default initializer isinternal
- default memberwise initializer for a structure type has the same access level of the lowest access level of the structure’s stored properties,
structure hasinternal
default initializer unless specified explicitly - the access level of each requirement within a protocol definition is automatically set to the same access level as the protocol
- a type can conform to a protocol with a lower access level than the type itself
- this is not about Access Control, just here to test if you read carefully; So, if you see this, you can be confident that you are a careful person
- any type members added in an extension have the same default access level as type members declared in the original type being extended
- you can mark an extension with explicit access-level modifier, e.g.
private extension
- a type alias can have an access level less than or equal to the access level of the type it aliases
analog way to remember: the volume of a timber bucket depends on the shorted piece of timber.
Advanced Operators
Bitwise operators
one and zero looked just right, made for each other: 1, the definite, upright line; and 0, the diagram of nothing at all - Sadie Plant, zeros + ones
Bitwise NOT
let initialBits: UInt8 = 0b00001111
let invertedBits = ~initialBits // equals 11110000
Bitwise AND
let partialTruth: UInt8 = 0b11111000
let missingTruth: UInt8 = 0b00111001
let theRealTruth = partialTruth & missingTruth // equals 00111000
Bitwise OR
let upperTeeth: UInt8 = 0b01010101
let lowerTeeth: UInt8 = 0b10101010
let bite = upperTeeth | lowerTeeth // equals 11111111
Bitwise XOR
let boysAndGirls: UInt8 = 0b00010100
let girlsAndBoys: UInt8 = 0b00000101
let nextGenerationExistence = boysAndGirls ^ girlsAndBoys
// equals 00010001
Bitwise shift
unsigned integers:
- existing bits are moved to the left or right by the requested number of places
- any bits moved beyond the bounds of integer’s storage are discarded
- zeros are inserted in the spaces left behind
signed integers: when shifting signed integers to the right, apply the same rule as unsigned integers, but fill any empty bits on the left with the sign bit, rather than with a zero.
Overflow operators
var unsignedOverflow = UInt8.max // 255
// unsignedOverflow += 1 would cause an error
unsignedOverflow = unsignedOverflow &+ 1 // 0
- overflow addition (
) - overflow subtraction (
) - overflow multiplication (
Precedence and Associativity
2 + 3 % 4 * 5 // equals 17
2 + ((3 % 4) * 5) // equals 17
Operator Methods
Classes and structures can provide their own implementation of existing operators (ie. overloading).
The universe was born with two concepts: spirit and material. Characteristic
is a structure
with spirit
and material
as boolean properties. Use this as a start, define custom operators and
derive the follows: human, evil and divine.
struct Characteristic {
var spirit = false
var material = false
infix operator &|
infix operator |&
prefix operator ...
extension Characteristic {
static func && (left: Characteristic, right: Characteristic) -> Characteristic {
return Characteristic(spirit: left.spirit && right.spirit, material: left.material && right.material)
static func || (left: Characteristic, right: Characteristic) -> Characteristic {
return Characteristic(spirit: left.spirit || right.spirit, material: left.material || right.material)
static func &| (left: Characteristic, right: Characteristic) -> Characteristic {
return Characteristic(spirit: left.spirit && right.spirit, material: left.material || right.material)
static func |& (left: Characteristic, right: Characteristic) -> Characteristic {
return Characteristic(spirit: left.spirit || right.spirit, material: left.material && right.material)
static prefix func ... (c: Characteristic) -> String {
switch (c.spirit, c.material) {
case (true, false):
return "Spirit without matter"
case (false, true):
return "Souless materialist"
case (false, false):
return "Neither spirit or material, initial void"
case (true, true):
return "Ordinary people, mind and body"
let spiritual = Characteristic(spirit: true, material: false)
let material = Characteristic(spirit: false, material: true)
let human = spiritual || material
let evil = spiritual &| material
let divine = spiritual |& material
print("Human: \(...human)")
print("Evil: \(...evil)")
print("Divine: \(...divine)")
A pattern represents the structure of a single value or a composite value. e.g. (1, 2) is a comma-separated list of two elements, matched by the pattern (x, y).
Wildcard Pattern
let somethingImportant = "Don't struggle which side of bread you spread butter on - you eat both sides."
for _ in 1...3 {
// repeat three times
Identifier pattern
An identifier pattern is the variable or constant itself, matched by any value.
let someValue = 123
Value binding pattern
Binds matched values to variable or constant names
let point = (1, 9, 3)
switch point {
case let (x, 9, _):
print("At y-coordinate 9, x-coordinates of \(x), there's something on the z-plane.")
Tuple pattern
Comma-separated list of zero or more patterns, enclosed by parentheses.
let (goodNews, badNews): (Int, Int) = (2, 3)
let newsGoodBadPerDay = [(1, 0), (3, 2), (5, 7)]
for (goodNews, _) in newsGoodBadPerDay {print("ignore bad news, number of good news on the day: \(goodNews)")}
The parentheses around a single element pattern has no effect, the followings are equivalent:
let someonesAge = 1
let (sometowsAge) = 2
let (somethreesAge): Int = 3
Optional pattern
An optional pattern matches values wrapped in a some(Wrapped)
case of an Optional<Wrapped>
let kingsClothes: Int? = nil
if case .some(let x) = kingsClothes {
} else {
print("Kid: the King has no clothes!")
if case let x? = kingsClothes {
} else {
print("Kid: the King has no clothes!")
Type-casting patterns
is <type>
<pattern> as <type>
Expression pattern
Value of expression. Appears only in switch
statement case label.
let spaceDust = (102, 57, 81)
switch spaceDust {
case (0, 0, 0):
case (-10...10, -10...10, -10...10):
print("Around origin")
print("Somewhere else")
You can overload ~=
operator to provide custom expression matching behaviour
func ~=(pattern: String, value: Int) -> Bool {
return pattern == "\(value)"
switch spaceDust {
case ("0", "0", "0"):
print("Space dust starts from origin")
print("Space dust has gone from origin")
Error Handling
If you have Java background, error handling is the similar trick as Java’s try...catch...
and throw
In Swift, errors are represented by values of types that conform to the empty Error
which indicates that type can be used for error handling.
Enumerations are well suited to modelling a group of related error conditions.
func functionThatThrowsErrors() throws -> String
func functionThatDoesntThrowError() -> String
Handling errors using do-catch
do {
try <expression>
} catch <pattern 1> {
} catch <pattern 2> where <condition> {
In the classic of Buddhism, there are seven types of sorrows in life: birth, aging, sickness, death, separation of lovers, hatred and unsatisfiable desire.
Represents each type of sorrows as an Error
, define a function that can throw these errors, and a piece of code that try the function and catch possible errors.
enum SorrowOfLife: Error {
case birth(msg: String)
case aging(msg: String)
case sickness(msg: String)
case death(msg: String)
case separationOfLovers(msg: String)
case hatred(msg: String)
case unsatisfiableDesire(msg: String)
enum LifeTarget {
case human, god
func rollDiceOfLife(for target: LifeTarget) throws -> String {
guard target == .human else {
return "silent, calm and harmony"
let sorrows: [SorrowOfLife] = [.birth(msg: "sin entered the world through one's birth"),
.aging(msg: "there was a face in the mirror like a face out of time"),
.sickness(msg: "if we got sick, at least we didn't die"),
.death(msg: "death through sin, so death came to all people, because all sinned"),
.separationOfLovers(msg: "over the sea grows the moon bright; We gaze on it far, far apart. Lovers complain of long, long night."),
.hatred(msg: "why then when people part, is the moon full and bright?"),
.unsatisfiableDesire(msg: "happiness lies in contentment")]
let number = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(sorrows.count + 1))
if number < sorrows.count {
throw sorrows[Int(number)]
return "there is still hope"
do {
let diceResult = try rollDiceOfLife(for: .human)
print("dice result: \(diceResult)")
} catch SorrowOfLife.birth(let msg) {
print("sorrow of life: \(msg)")
} catch SorrowOfLife.aging(let msg) {
print("sorrow of life: \(msg)")
} catch SorrowOfLife.sickness(let msg) {
print("sorrow of life: \(msg)")
} catch SorrowOfLife.death(let msg) {
print("sorrow of life: \(msg)")
} catch SorrowOfLife.separationOfLovers(let msg) {
print("sorrow of life: \(msg)")
} catch SorrowOfLife.hatred(let msg) {
print("sorrow of life: \(msg)")
} catch SorrowOfLife.unsatisfiableDesire(let msg) {
print("sorrow of life: \(msg)")
} catch _ {
print("something unexpected in life")
Error to optional values
if let onesLife = try? rollDiceOfLife(for: .human) {
print("One's life: \(onesLife)")
} else {
print("One's life thrown error.")
Disabling error propagation
sometimes you know there won’t be an error thrown
let divineLife = try! rollDiceOfLife(for: .god)
print("Divine's life: \(divineLife)")
Cleanup with defer
I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. – William Penn
excuted when current scope exists, in reverse order; I guess it is to have a logical way of cleanup from the most recent to the least recent changes; It’s like when you go upstairs from level 1 to level 3, and you want to go downstairs, you have to follow the reversed way as when you went up, that is level 3, 2, 1.
func printInstructions() {
print("Velilind's Laws of Experientation:")
print("1. If reproducibility may be a problem, conduct the test only once.")
defer {
print("cleanup step 1")
print("2. If a straight line fit is required, obtain only two data points.")
defer {
print("cleanup step 2")
// prints:
// Velilind's Laws of Experientation:
// 1. If reproducibility may be a problem, conduct the test only once.
// 2. If a straight line fit is required, obtain only two data points.
// cleanup step 2
// cleanup step 1
Guess what happens if you put defer
inside defer
func quoteMarkTwain() {
defer { print("wisdom never to use either") }
defer { defer { print("freedom of thought") } }
defer { defer { defer { print("freedom of speech") } } }
print("It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three benefits:")
// prints:
// It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three benefits:
// freedom of speech
// freedom of thought
// wisdom never to use either
blocks don’t capture the current value of a variable.
func tasteOfLove() {
var taste = "sweet"
defer { print("a bit \(taste)") }
taste = "sour"
defer { print("a bit \(taste)") }
print("Taste of the first time one falls in love:")
We want to express that sweet and sour are the taste of the first time one falls in love, however there’s only sour printed.
Encoding and Decoding
A type that can encode itself into a different representation.
func encode(to: Encoder) throws
A type that can decode itself from a different representation.
// creates a new instance by decoding from given decoder
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
typealias Codable = Encodable & Decodable
Automatic coding
Conforming to Codable
and make sure all stored properties are also codable.
- several built-in types are already
if they contain onlyCodable
a fool with a tool (is still a fool).
struct Fool: Codable {
var id: String
var name: String
var tool: Tool
// renaming properties
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "identifier"
case name
case tool
struct Tool: Codable {
var name: String
Coding custom types
var tool = Tool(name: "Too")
var fool = Fool(id: "007", name: "Foo", tool: tool)
let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
let jsonData = try! jsonEncoder.encode(fool)
let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)!
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
fool = try! jsonDecoder.decode(Fool.self, from: jsonData)
is a nested enumeration inside the type- conforms to
- also need
as raw type - include all properties in the enumeration including the ones that are not renamed
- created by default, implemented when renaming is needed
Coding manually
Suppose the JSON looks like: {“identifier”: “Some One”, name: “Foo”, toolInHand: “Hammer”}
struct AnotherFool {
var id: String
var name: String
var tool: Tool
// renaming properties
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "identifier"
case name
case toolInHand
extension AnotherFool: Encodable {
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(id, forKey: .id)
try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)
try container.encode(tool.name, forKey: .toolInHand)
extension AnotherFool: Decodable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
id = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .id)
name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)
let toolInHand = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .toolInHand)
tool = Tool(name: toolInHand)
cannot conform toCodable
- must use concrete type to encode and decode
Memory Safety
Similar to Objective-C, memory management in Swift is also based on ARC (Automatic Reference Counting), when there’s no reference to an object, its allocated memory will be released, otherwise, if there’s at least one reference to the object, it will stay in memory until further notice.
- strong is the default, when a reference of object is declared as strong, the reference is strongly hold, and the object’s reference counter will increment by 1
- weak references don’t increase/decrease the reference count of a certain object, declared as optionals, they become
once the reference count reaches zero - unowned references behave similar to
, they always expect to have a value - can’t be declared as optional. - use
when object can be deallocated while referencing, for example,delegate
- use
when object cannot be deallocated while referencing, for example, referencingself
in an escaping completion block
Capture list
A capture list is an array of variables captured by a closure
Pokemon runs fast, we want to catch Pikachu when it appears.
var pokemon = "Pikachu"
var closure = { print("Let's catch \(pokemon)") }
pokemon = "Zoobat"
// Print: "Let's catch Zoobat"
pokemon = "Pikachu"
closure = { [pokemon] in print("Let's catch \(pokemon)") }
pokemon = "Zoobat"
// Print: "Let's catch Pikachu"
With reference types, a capture list makes the closure to capture and store the current reference stored inside the captured variable.
Unowned self
class Book {
var name = "Book"
lazy var sageRetrieveContent: () -> String = {
[unowned self] in
return "\(self.name): reading helps us learn so much about beauty and truth that we can live a better life in our own ways."
lazy var ordinaryRetrieveContent: () -> String = {
[unowned self] in
return "\(self.name): as long as one studies hard, wealth and beautiful women will all come his way."
let book = Book()
The strong weak pattern
When self
could be nil
extension Book {
func checkWorm() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
[weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
print("The book no longer exists.")
let hasWorm = strongSelf.name.contains("worm")
if hasWorm {
print("The book has worm.")
Data Structure in Swift
class Stack<T> {
var stack = [T]()
var isEmpty: Bool {
return self.stack.isEmpty
var peek: T? {
return self.stack.last
var size: Int {
return self.stack.count
func push(_ thing: T) {
func pop() -> T? {
guard self.isEmpty == false else {
return nil
return self.stack.removeLast()
Linked List
class ListNode<T> {
var value: T
var next: ListNode<T>?
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
class LinkedList<T> {
var head: ListNode<T>?
var tail: ListNode<T>?
extension LinkedList {
func appendToTail(_ value: T) {
if let tail = self.tail {
tail.next = ListNode(value)
self.tail = tail.next
} else {
self.tail = ListNode(value)
self.head = self.tail
func appendToHead(_ value: T) {
if let head = self.head {
let newHead = ListNode(value)
newHead.next = head
self.head = newHead
} else {
self.head = ListNode(value)
self.tail = self.head
func printNode<T: CustomStringConvertible>(_ node: ListNode<T>?) {
var current = node
var values = [T]()
while current != nil {
current = current!.next
print("Values in list nodes: \(values)")
let node1 = ListNode(2)
let node2 = ListNode(9)
let node3 = ListNode(7)
let node4 = ListNode(3)
node1.next = node2
node2.next = node3
node3.next = node4
Given a linked list and a value X, return a new linked list with values less than X on left and values greater than X on right
func partition<T: Comparable>(_ head: ListNode<T>?, _ x: T) -> ListNode<T>? {
var leftHead: ListNode<T>?
var rightHead: ListNode<T>?
var left: ListNode<T>?
var right: ListNode<T>?
var node = head
while node != nil {
if node!.value < x {
if leftHead == nil {
leftHead = node
left = leftHead
} else {
left!.next = node
left = node!
} else {
if rightHead == nil {
rightHead = node
right = rightHead
} else {
right!.next = node
right = node!
node = node!.next
if let right = right {
right.next = nil
if let left = left {
left.next = rightHead
if leftHead != nil {
return leftHead
} else {
return rightHead
if let partitionedList = partition(node1, 5) {
// prints: Values in list nodes: [2, 3, 9, 7]
Given a head node, determine whether a cycle exists.
func hasCycle<T>(_ head: ListNode<T>?) -> Bool {
var slow = head
var fast = head
while fast != nil && fast!.next != nil {
slow = slow!.next
fast = fast!.next!.next
if slow === fast {
return true
return false
Given a head node, remove the nth last node.
func removeNthFromEnd<T>(head: ListNode<T>?, _ n: Int) -> ListNode<T>? {
guard let head = head else {
return nil
var first: ListNode<T>? = head
var second: ListNode<T>? = head
for _ in 0 ..< n {
if second == nil {
second = second!.next
while second != nil && second!.next != nil {
first = first!.next
second = second!.next
first!.next = first!.next!.next
return head
print("Existing list:")
print("List with 2nd last node removed:")
if let newHead = removeNthFromEnd(head: node1, 2) {
protocol Queue {
associatedtype Element
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
var size: Int { get }
var peek: Element? { get }
mutating func enqueue(_ newElement: Element)
mutating func dequeue() -> Element?
struct ArrayQueue<T>: Queue {
var isEmpty: Bool {
return self.left.isEmpty && self.right.isEmpty
var size: Int {
return self.left.count + self.right.count
var peek: T? {
return self.left.isEmpty ? self.right.first : self.left.last
private var left = [T]()
private var right = [T]()
mutating func enqueue(_ newElement: T) {
mutating func dequeue() -> T? {
if self.left.isEmpty {
self.left = self.right.reversed()
return self.left.popLast()
struct StackQueue<T>: Queue {
var isEmpty: Bool {
return self.stackA.isEmpty && self.stackB.isEmpty
var peek: T? {
return self.stackB.peek
var size: Int {
return self.stackA.size + self.stackB.size
mutating func enqueue(_ newElement: T) {
func dequeue() -> T? {
return self.stackB.pop()
private func shift() {
if self.stackB.isEmpty {
while let fromA = self.stackA.pop() {
private var stackA = Stack<T>()
private var stackB = Stack<T>()
Simplify a file path.
func simplifyPath(_ path: String) -> String {
var simplifiedPath = [String]()
let pathComponents = path.components(separatedBy: "/")
for component in pathComponents {
guard component != "." else {
if component == ".." {
if simplifiedPath.isEmpty == false {
} else if component.isEmpty == false {
let fullPath = simplifiedPath.reduce("") { (base, path) -> String in
return "\(base)/\(path)"
return fullPath.isEmpty ? "/" : fullPath
let shortPath = "/home/username/Documents/../Picture/./Travel/"
let simplifiedPath = simplifyPath(shortPath)
print("Simplified path: \(simplifiedPath)")
Binary Tree
class TreeNode<T> {
var value: T
var left: TreeNode<T>?
var right: TreeNode<T>?
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
func depthOfTree<T>(_ root: TreeNode<T>?) -> Int {
guard let root = root else {
return 0
return max(depthOfTree(root.left), depthOfTree(root.right)) + 1
Check whether a binary tree is a valid search tree. (BST)
func isValidBST<T: Comparable>(root: TreeNode<T>?) -> Bool {
return isValidBSTNode(root, nil, nil)
func isValidBSTNode<T: Comparable>(_ node: TreeNode<T>?, _ min: T?, _ max: T?) -> Bool {
guard let node = node else {
return true
if let min = min, node.value <= min {
return false
if let max = max, node.value >= max {
return false
return isValidBSTNode(node.left, min, node.value) && isValidBSTNode(node.right, node.value, max)
Traversal Binary Tree
func preorderTraversal<T>(root: TreeNode<T>?) -> [T] {
var result = [T]()
var stack = [TreeNode<T>]()
var node = root
while node != nil || stack.isEmpty == false {
if let nonNilNode = node {
node = nonNilNode.left
} else {
node = stack.removeLast().right
return result
let tnode1 = TreeNode(1)
let tnode2 = TreeNode(2)
let tnode3 = TreeNode(3)
let tnode4 = TreeNode(4)
let tnode5 = TreeNode(5)
let tnode6 = TreeNode(6)
let tnode7 = TreeNode(7)
let tnode8 = TreeNode(8)
let tnode9 = TreeNode(9)
let tnode10 = TreeNode(10)
let tnode11 = TreeNode(11)
let tnode12 = TreeNode(12)
let tnode13 = TreeNode(13)
let tnode14 = TreeNode(14)
let tnode15 = TreeNode(15)
tnode1.left = tnode2
tnode1.right = tnode3
tnode2.left = tnode4
tnode2.right = tnode5
tnode3.left = tnode6
tnode3.right = tnode7
tnode4.left = tnode8
tnode4.right = tnode9
tnode5.left = tnode10
tnode5.right = tnode11
tnode6.left = tnode12
tnode6.right = tnode13
tnode7.left = tnode14
tnode7.right = tnode15
let result = preorderTraversal(root: tnode1)
print("Preorder traversal result:")
result.forEach { print("\($0)") }
// Preorder traversal result:
// 1
// 2
// 4
// 8
// 9
// 5
// 10
// 11
// 3
// 6
// 12
// 13
// 7
// 14
// 15
Sorting and Searching
Merge Sort
func mergeSort(_ array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
var helper = Array(repeating: 0, count: array.count), array = array
mergeSort(&array, &helper, 0, array.count - 1)
return array
func mergeSort(_ array: inout [Int], _ helper: inout [Int], _ low: Int, _ high: Int) {
guard low < high else {
let middle = (high - low) / 2 + low
mergeSort(&array, &helper, low, middle)
mergeSort(&array, &helper, middle + 1, high)
merge(&array, &helper, low, middle, high)
func merge(_ array: inout [Int], _ helper: inout [Int], _ low: Int, _ middle: Int, _ high: Int) {
for i in low...high {
helper[i] = array[i]
var left = low, right = middle + 1, current = low
while left <= middle && right <= high {
if helper[left] < helper[right] {
array[current] = helper[left]
left += 1
} else {
array[current] = helper[right]
right += 1
current += 1
guard middle - left >= 0 else {
// check whether left half exhausted, if so, there's no need to handle rest
for i in 0...(middle - left) {
// handle the rest, only left half can have remaining
array[current] = helper[left + i]
Quick Sort
func quickSort(_ array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
guard array.count > 1 else {
return array
let pivot = array[array.count / 2]
let left = array.filter { $0 < pivot }
let middle = array.filter { $0 == pivot }
let right = array.filter { $0 > pivot }
return quickSort(left) + middle + quickSort(right)
Basic Searching
While iterating through the whole collection could find search term in O(n), searching in a sorted collection in a binary way could reduce it to O(logn).
func binarySearch<T: Comparable>(_ values: [T], _ target: T) -> Bool {
var left = 0, mid = 0, right = values.count - 1
while left <= right {
mid = (right - left) / 2 + left
if values[mid] == target {
return true
} else if values[mid] < target {
left = mid + 1
} else {
right = mid - 1
return false
// note: people often forget +1 and -1 when re-adjusting left and right
There are a few meetings, merge the ones that overlap. Example: given [[1, 3], [5, 6], [4, 7], [2, 3]] Output: [[1, 3], [4, 7]]
class MeetingTime {
var start: Int
var end: Int
init(_ start: Int, _ end: Int) {
self.start = start
self.end = end
func merge(meetingTimes: [MeetingTime]) -> [MeetingTime] {
guard meetingTimes.count > 1 else {
return meetingTimes
let sortedTimes = meetingTimes.sorted { (time1, time2) -> Bool in
if time1.start != time2.start {
return time1.start < time2.start
} else {
return time1.end < time2.end
var mergedTimes = [MeetingTime]()
for i in 1..<sortedTimes.count {
let current = sortedTimes[i]
let last = sortedTimes[sortedTimes.count - 1]
if current.start > last.end {
} else {
last.end = max(last.end, current.end)
return mergedTimes
A product has several versions, if version n had a bug, versions after n would all have the same bug. Given a function that checks whether a given version has a bug, find the first version that has the bug.
func findFirstBugVersion(version: Int, isBugVersion: ((Int) -> Bool)) -> Int {
guard version > 1 else {
return version
var left = 1, mid = version / 2, right = version
while left < right {
mid = (right - left) / 2 + left
if isBugVersion(mid) {
right = mid
} else {
left = mid + 1
return left
Use binary search for rotated array, for example, [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9] becomes [4, 5, 6, 9, 0, 1, 2].
func searchRotated<T: Comparable>(values: [T], target: T) -> Int {
var (left, mid, right) = (0, 0, values.count - 1)
while left <= right {
mid = (right - left) / 2 + left
if values[mid] == target {
return mid
if values[mid] > values[left] {
if values[mid] > target && target >= values[left] {
right = mid - 1
} else {
left = mid + 1
} else {
if values[mid] < target && target <= values[right] {
left = mid + 1
} else {
right = mid + 1
return -1
Mixing Objective-C and Swift
- To use Objective-C code in Swift, the header file name of Objective-C code need to be in ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h
- To use Swift in Objective-C, import header file ProjectName-Swift.h
- To expose Swift function or property, prefix it with
; If a Swift class is a subclass ofNSObject
, Swift would add@objc
to non-private functions and properties
Initializer (init)
- In Objective-C, initializer cannot make sure all member properties are initialized (ie. have values); Compiler does not warn for uninitialized properties.
- In Swift, initializer has to make sure all non-optional member properties have values.
- Swift also added
prefix for initializer.
Difference of Protocol
- Both Objective-C and Swift can use protocol as delegate
- Protocol in Swift can have extension and default implementation; Value-type can also conform to protocol.
In Objective-C, there are two methods to check whether an object is of certain type:
: check whether the object is of specified class type or its subclass typesisMemberOfClass
: check whether the object is of specified class type (not its subclass types)
In Swift, is
can be used for the same purpose, it’s the same as isKindOfClass